2023 GKS Graduate Program Application (University Track)
1. Application Track: General (University tracks)
*More information on GKS program: https://studyinkorea.go.kr
2. Application Period
- Application Deadline : April 4th, 2023(Tue)
- Must submit documents by mail or visit
* All documents must be submitted by April 4th. Documents submitted after the deadline are not accepted.
*If there is any problem with the attached file or if you have any other questions, please contact me by email.
3. Address for Submission and contact information
-Address in English :
Graduate School of Logistics, 9-114,INHA UNIVERSITY, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon , Korea 22212
-Address in Korean :
인천광역시 미추홀구 인하로 100 (22212) 인하대학교 물류전문대학원 행정실(9호관 114호)
-Phone : +82-32-860-8225 FAX : +82-32-860-8226
-Homepage: http://logistics.inha.ac.kr
-E-mail: 222547@inha.ac.kr
4. Important notes
- Applicant must have graduated and obtained the final graduation certificate by Feb. 28, 2023 (provisional certificate is not acceptable)
- All applicants must hold citizenship of NIIED designated countries that are invited to take part in the GKS program
- All submitted documents will not be returned to applicants.
4. Important notes
- Applicant must have graduated and obtained the final graduation certificate by Feb. 28, 2023 (provisional certificate is not acceptable)
- All applicants must hold citizenship of NIIED designated countries that are invited to take part in the GKS program
- All submitted documents will not be returned to applicants.